SNAP Calls Nebraskans to Action

SNAP Calls Nebraskans to Action

“Report to law enforcement if you have seen or suffered abuse,” SNAP Says

They Commend NE Attorney General for Investigating Clergy Abuse

And an Omaha Survivor Will Share his Experience Publicly for the First Time


Leaders from the nation’s oldest and largest advocacy group for victims of clergy and institutional sex abuse, SNAP, will gather in Omaha to commend the state’s attorney general and urge other survivors of clergy sexual abuse to come forward, make a report to law enforcement, and assist the AG in his investigation.


Monday, May 20 at 11 AM


On the sidewalk outside the headquarters of the Archdiocese of Omaha, 100 N. 62nd St. Omaha, NE 68132 


Several members of an organization called SNAP, including Tim Lennon, SNAP Board President, and a local survivor who is sharing his story of abuse at the hands of Fr. James Kelly for the first time.


As one brave survivor from Nebraska shares his experiences of abuse at a Catholic school for the first time publicly, SNAP is calling on other Nebraskans to follow his example and take steps to prevent future cases of abuse while demanding transparency and justice from the state’s Catholic officials.

“We call survivors in Nebraska to come forward, make a report to the police and the Nebraska hotline for sexual abuse,” said Tim Lennon, SNAP Board President.  “To us, this hotline signals that survivors are being listened to and that our stories and experiences are being taken seriously.”

SNAP is commending Nebraska’s Attorney General, Doug Peterson, for his investigation into clergy abuse in Nebraska. An investigation, however, is just one step forward, they say.

“More work is needed throughout Nebraska to protect children and the vulnerable, to support survivors of sexual violence, and to ensure no more cases of institutional abuse are allowed to occur.”

SNAP is encouraging Nebraskans across the state to take three steps that can make a difference:

  1. First, if you are a survivor of abuse, make sure you have made a report to AG Peterson’s abuse hotline by calling 1-800-652-1999.
  2. Second, contact your county’s District Attorney and urge them to actively reach out to local communities, urging survivors to come forward and make a report of their abuse. District Attorneys can also encourage witnesses and whistleblowers to share any information they might have related to past or ongoing cases of clerical sexual abuse.
  3. Third, contact your state representatives and senators and urge them to create or sponsor legislation that will protect children, benefit survivors, and prevent future cases of abuse. For example, reforming statutes of limitations can help survivors find justice where none existed previously and can get important information about abusers into the hands of the public.

These elected officials are key to the creation and implementation of critical reforms that can help keep the vulnerable in Nebraska safer, create healing environments for survivors, and find justice for past crimes while preventing future ones.

We hope everyone in Nebraska will take ten minutes out of their day to help create a safer and brighter future for all Nebraskans.

CONTACT: Tim Lennon, SNAP President ([email protected], 415-312-5820) Zach Hiner, Executive Director ([email protected], 517-974-9009)

(SNAP, the Survivors Network, has been providing support for victims of sexual abuse in institutional settings for 30 years. We have more than 25,000 survivors and supporters in our network. Our website is

SNAP Network is a GuideStar Gold Participant