Prosecutor wants new charge against Bishop Finn, diocese

Jackson County prosecutors want to add additional misdemeanor criminal charges against Bishop Robert Finn and the diocese he serves.

The charge, failure to report suspicions of child abuse, is the same as the bishop and diocese already face for their alleged mismanagement of a priest now facing state and federal child pornography charges.

Prosecutors also have asked a judge to approve a massive request for records from the diocese’s so-called “secret archive” detailing the diocese’s responses to child abuse allegations both before and after Finn began serving in Kansas City in May 2004.

Lawyer Gerald Handley, who represents Finn, said Monday that the bishop’s attorneys were pondering how to respond to the new filings, which prosecutors put into the record on Friday afternoon.

“We understood they were contemplating filing additional charges,” Handley said. “We will review the filings that have been made and determine the appr...


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Showing 4 comments

  • Frank Lostaunau
    commented 2012-05-10 17:44:17 -0500
    I have no idea why the Vatican’s TSD has never been made completely public?

    It must contain dozens and dozens and dozens of references re: perps. A complete record of their criminal behavior, a detailed account of how facts have been distorted, denied, and in many instances destroyed.

    It seems logical that the place to reveal such secret information is in Philly and specifically with regard to the duplicitous Monsignor Lynn and his ordained partners in crime.

    In my opinion, all archdiocese for the past TWENTY YEARS should be released to the court. It is only right and just.

    Hopefully, there will be NO MERCY FOR CLERGY PERPS. It’s time fess up, tell the truth and

    pretty is as pretty does…
  • Jeannie Guzman
    commented 2012-05-10 14:55:30 -0500
    Frank: Do you remember the little dance and nursery rhyme of our youth, “London Bridges Falling Down?” I often substitute the words, "The Catholic Church ………………….. " It gives me great comfort and often brings a smile to my face, especially when I read the news on Abuse Tracker!
  • Jeannie Guzman
    commented 2012-05-10 14:52:56 -0500
    Frank: Every archdiocese should have had the Vatican’s Top-Secret Directive (circa 1982) called, “Crimen Sollicitationis” in their Secret Archive. Do you have any idea why this Top-Secret directive has never appeared as evidence in a courtroom? The case up in Philly with Monsignor Lynn, would be a good place to have it introduced!
  • Frank Lostaunau
    commented 2012-05-08 14:35:28 -0500
    What goes around comes around. I strongly urge the prosecutors to request all Kansas City diocese records for the past 20 years.

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