Who are we? We are clergy sex abuse victims trying to recover from our trauma and protect kids and vulnerable people in the church. And we are concerned Catholics who want to help victims and also safeguard those at risk.

Why are we here? One or more known or suspected abusive priests worked or lived at this parish. (See below for a partial list of alleged abusers including one or more who were assigned to your parish.) We hope that if there are victims here suffering in shame and silence, they'll learn of our support group.

What do we want? We want to help prevent abuse and help victims heal by informing parishioners of accused priests to whom they may have been exposed.

What should you do? If you or someone you know is a victim of clergy abuse, please know that you are not alone and and that help is available. Contact LAPD @ 213-847-5358, Orange County Sheriffs Dept @ 714-770-6011 and SNAP (A confidential self-help support group of men and women who have been victimized by clergy) @ (626) 835-9066 or www.SNAPnetwork.org.

What can you do to protect kids? 1) Urge your pastor to post these leaflets in your parish 2) Call Cardinal Mahony @ 213-637-7000 and Bishop Brown @ 714-282-3000 and demand that they turn over ALL personnel files of alleged molester to prosecutors 3) Talk with you children about "Safe Touch" TODAY 4) Report any known or suspected abuse (however uncertain you may be) to criminal authorities.


Quienes Somos? Somos personas que fuimos abusados sexualmente por sacerdotes Catolicos que queremos proteger a ninos y personas vulnorables en la Iglesia, tambien somos Catolicos preocupados que queremos ayudar a las victimas a proteger a los que estan en riesgo.

Porque estamos aqui? Se alega que uno o mas de un sacerdote abusivo fue asignado a esta parroquia. (refiere a la list parcial de abusadores incluyendo uno o mas de uno que fue asignado a su parroquia)Esperamos que si aqui hay victimas sufriendo en silencio y pena, que se informen de nuestro qrupo de

Que queremos? Queremos ayudar en la prevencion de abuso y asistir en la sanacion de victimas informando a los parroquianos de sacerdotes acusados cuales ustedes han estado espuestos.

Que debes hacer? Si Usted o alguin que usted conoce ha sido victima de abuso sexual de sacerdotes, por favor comuniquese co la Policia de Los Angeles (213) 847-5358. O Los Alguaciles del Condado De Orange (714) 770-6011, Y SNAP (Un grupo confidencial de auto apoyo para mujeres y hombres que han sido victimas de sacerdotes) (626) 835-9066 o www.snapnetwork.org.

Que puede hacer para proteger a los ninos? 1) Urge que su Parraco coloque estos folletos en su Iglesia. 2) Lame al cardel Rogelio Mahony (213) 637-7000 y el Obispo Brown (714) 282-3000 y demande que ellos entregen papeleos personales de sacerdotes que tienen alegaciones de a abusos sexuales a los persegidores crimminales. 3) hablar le a sus hijos sobre la prevencion de abuso sexuales hoy.

Parishes we are leafleting today and the accused priests who worked at each (Parroquias que estamos visitando hoy y los nombres de los sacerdotes acusados en esas parroquias):

1) Transfiguration Parish, LA, Richard Martini & Dennis Ginty; 2) St. Philip the Apostle, Pasadena, Joe Alzugary & Thomas Havel, Henry Vetter; 3) St. Vincent De Paul, John Joseph Casey & Carlos Rodriguez; 4) St. Anthony's of Padu, Cleve Carey & Francis Ryan, Richard Allen Henry; 5) St. Paul of the Cross, La Mirada, Michael Baker; 6) Holy Trinity, San Pedro Joe Alzugaray & George Gallagher; 7) St. Bridget of Sweden, Mike Nocita & John Sheahan; 8) St. Boniface, Anaheim, John Lenihan; St. Pius V, Buena Park, Arthur Fernando; 9) St. Columbans, Garden Grove, Jack Lord. 10) St. Justin Martyr, Anaheim, Sigfried Widera;

All are facing or have faced civil lawsuits or criminal charges or both (Todos han recibido demandas civiles o cargos criminales,o los dos).

Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests