2014 End of Year Matching Gift Page

donation_page_image_0_raised.pngDonations received from now until year’s end will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to 60,000!

Four generous donors pledged to match each donation dollar for dollar up to $60,000. Their only condition is that all donations must be received before the end of the year.

We march into the New Year with new dedication and new challenges.

Last year two UN Committees made recommendations to the Vatican after finding them failing in their responsibilities to protect children and hold predators and enablers accountable.

This year we will push church officials to live up those duties.

We will use the popular new pope’s first visit to the United States to point out his continuing poor performance with the abuse/cover up crisis.

And of course we will continue to be there for survivors who reach out for information and support. 

We made it this far because of your support. As we start our second quarter century  please help us maximize this generous gift.

Watch the SNAP homepage for progress as your donation get counted and know that it will be doubled up until December 31, 2014.


If you’ve already made your year-end gift, THANK YOU! We are incredibly humbled by the outpouring of support and generous donations that you have sent us this holiday season. Please consider another gift to help us meet this goal and maximize this opportunity.

We remain committed to do all we can to further our mission with you! Thank you for making it possible for us to continue!


Barbara Blaine 

SNAP Network is a GuideStar Gold Participant